Friday, May 22, 2009

The Project

The trip begins in a week, and the details are falling into place. I will be in Uganda and Kenya for the next two months (June and July) filming a documentary for Be The Change, Inc.  Part of the project consists of a promotional film for BTC that will be available for those interested to see exactly what happens through the workings of this non-profit group. The second half of the project is to film a full length documentary both on the work of non-profit groups abroad and what we (the U.S) can learn from Africa and the people there through an in-depth look into several stories and individuals. Focusing on health care workers dealing with the AIDS epidemic, the development of small agricultural models, and the continued work in education in a country plagued by poverty, the film will speak directly with the individuals in these areas and find out how we can help (aside from throwing money at a situation). However, along the way, we may find that there are critical things that we can learn from another culture and those in a severely different situation, both economically and socially. 

That is the basis of the project, however, knowing how these endeavors go, the focus may change if the situation calls for it. But, ideally, this will be my focus for the next two months: to bring forth the lives of those living in a completely foreign situation, and to begin forming new ties and relationships between all of us (something that has been lost over the years as we tend to focus more and more on ourselves and devolve to a perpetual personal view of life as opposed to a world view). Perhaps we can begin to make a shift... to be the change. 

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